Some Uses of USB Adapter and USB Converter

With the continuous development of science and technology, many industrial users and individual users already have two or more monitors or television sets, and it is not a luxury to set up a dual display system. Now most of the new video card supports dual-head display, the formation of dual display system can be said to be readily available, but some friends use the graphics card does not support dual-head display, this time in the peripheral accessories to play a variety of colorful USB devices can Debut stage. In response to user needs, Ningbo Fulman Technology Co., Ltd introduced a USB adapter, not only supports 1920 x 1080 resolution, and can achieve USB C to VGA and Ethernet, USB to DVI, USB to HDMI Full HD Conversion, and can be a new dual-line system and multi-display system.

usb c to vga and ethernet

The use of USB external graphics, we can easily dual display system or even multi-display system, without having to laboriously open the chassis and then insert a video card. The benefits of a multi-display system are undeniable: Art designers can keep current tasks on one screen and run other tools on a second screen, allowing students to access academic materials while surfing the internet. . . In short, multi-display system will bring more convenience to everyone. Vention USB?adapter Application: 1. Supports two monitors simultaneously display the same large-scale EXCEL stable document 2. Multitasking environment more funny 3. Use a computer multi-screen display and presentation 4 mall POS system, television display system 5. Monitoring project / banking system / cash register system, multi-screen display It can be changed to a USB C TO VGA?converter or a DVI-I TO HDMI adapter into a USB TO HDMI adapter.

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