A Recap of Our Time at the 2023 Global Sources Hong Kong Show


2023年4月,Vention在香港亚洲国际博览馆举办的环球资源消费电子展(4月11-14日)和环球资源移动电子展(4月18-21日)上展示了其产品。这些展览由环球资源主办,环球资源是国际知名的 B2B 采购平台,在推动全球贸易方面拥有 50 多年的经验。在本报告中,我们将全面概述我们的体验,包括我们推荐的产品、我们接触的访问者以及我们获得的奖项。


在消费电子及移动电子展上,我们展示了最新产品,包括 8K 高清系列、140W GaN 充电套件、12 合 1 扩展坞和真无线蓝牙耳机。我们收到了很多关于我们产品质量的积极反馈,许多参观者表示有兴趣与我们建立合作伙伴关系。我们的团队很高兴展示我们的创新产品设计和优质材料,引起了许多参观者的共鸣。




Vention 首席执行官 Andrew Huang 代表公司慷慨地接受了该奖项。该奖项突显了 Vention 致力于为全球客户提供高品质产品和服务的承诺,我们很荣幸我们的努力得到环球资源的认可。我们非常感谢您的认可,它将成为我们继续进步的动力。





Become a Vention Distributor

Vention is looking to partner with experienced distributors to help bring our innovative audio visual and electronics products to more customers around the world.

As an authorized Vention distributor, you gain access to our full product catalog with exclusive distributor pricing. You also receive marketing assets, training on Vention products, and the potential to exhibit at major trade shows.

We seek established distributors with expertise in consumer electronics distribution and a strong sales network. Distributors must provide pre-and post-sales support to retail partners in their territory.

Interested in becoming a Vention distributor in your region? Contact us below to explore partnership opportunities. We look forward to hearing from you.