What is USB Type-C
The famous Type-C interface. It was first introduced in August 2014, using the USB 3.1 transfer standard. The application of this standard meant that a transfer rate of 10Gbps (about 1.2GB/s) could be achieved by using this small connector with the width less than 1cm . USB Type C Furthermore, USB-Type C overcomes a problem that has been accompanied with data interfaces since its dawn time. That is, at last, the Type-C port no longer possess the front and the reverse which means that it supports the random plugging. type C overcomes In addition, the compatibility of the Type-C interface is not to be underestimated. In addition to the traditional connection to cell phones, Type-C also supports computers, game consoles and other mass storage devices and docking stations. This is mainly due to the strong support for Type-C from the world's leading electronics companies, including Apple.

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