What Kind of Docking Station do I need?
With the rapid development of technology, notebooks continue to reduce the interface, a large part of the world is a single Type-C interface, we in order to hard disk, SD/TF card, network cable, etc. access to the computer, the docking station will be useful, it not only reduces the annoyance of the notebook interface unplugged but also makes the desktop becomes neater! Docking station interface is the more the better? What is the difference between the different interface types? What kind of docking station do I need? There are 6 common types of docking stations: connect to monitor, connect to mobile hard drive/U disk, connect to SD/TF card, connect to keyboard and mouse, connect to network cable, connect to power supply.

1. Connecting to a monitor

Use scenario: office, playing games, watching videos Interface type: HDMI, VGA, DP Connecting to a monitor Connecting to a monitor2 HDMI interface is the current mainstream video transmission interface, anti-interference ability is relatively strong, playing games, watching video can run smoothly. VGA interface is a relatively old video transmission interface, the resolution is 1080P @ 60Hz. * data transmission is to follow the barrel effect, so upstream devices, video cables, monitors are to meet the requirements of the case, in order to have the best picture output level Oh.

2.connected keyboard and mouse

Use scenario: laptop, iPad office connected keyboard and mouse Keyboard and mouse for the interface performance requirements are very low, so about the keyboard and mouse connection, in the purchase only need to pay attention to the number of interfaces is enough.

3.connected to mobile hard disk / U disk

connected to mobile hard disk U disk Use scenario: transfer files First see what speed you need the hard disk or U disk to run to, and then to match the corresponding interface protocol can.

4.connected to the power supply

connected to the power supply Use scenario: computer and other upstream equipment power supply Whether the current upstream devices support PD fast charging protocol, if equipped with PD protocol fast charging, the theoretical maximum output power can reach 100W, which can ensure that the notebook is charged while using.

5.Connect SD/TF card

Connect SDTF card Use scenario: transfer data, adapted to cameras, cell phones TF card and SD card these two interfaces in addition to matching the size of the memory card, but also need to pay attention to the type of interface, UHS2 is compatible with UHS1. When choosing, first look at what type of memory card you own, and then just choose the docking station with the corresponding interface.

6.Connecting a network cable

Connecting a network cable Usage scenario: Upstream devices wired to connect to the network If you need a more stable wired network connection, then a docking station with a network port is a good choice.

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